Apps Solutions Financial Management system gathers financial data from various functional departments, and generates valuable financial reports such as general ledger, aging reports, trial balance, and financial statements which you require. It will manage all accounts related entries and the financial impact on the entire system. Having a clear picture of your company's financial health at any point of time, your management will be able to make important decisions more quickly.


  • Calendar Scheduler To Book Patients' Appointment

    With the ease of a web-based appointment booking system , customer service can easily check in real time the updated schedule of each doctor across each clinic. With an integrated calendar function that is easily accessible, operational users with the security access, they will also be able to reference inter-clinic's appointment schedule to cross book facilities and doctors. This will effectively help your organization better manager common resources such as operating theaters and medical professionals.

  • Global Patient Management

    The global patient management allows just one single point of creation of patient database and allowing each individual clinic to retrieve the information, without having to re-create the patient details even if it is the same patient visiting multiple clinics. As such, you will be able to keep track of patient's visit history, past health records including allergy, current medication, past procedures, etc.

  • Patient EMR/Consultation

    Each patient will have a medical record kept in the global database. In this electronic record, besides pulling out the basic information, it can capture the per visit information such as doctor's case notes, prescription, allergy, family history etc information. This could assist the doctor to plan any required procedures for subsequent followup visits or treatments. Any digital files, for example, X-ray images could also be attached to the patient's EMR. Our patient EMR is integrated to our billing and prescription system.

  • Prescription Management

    The system allows you to expedite your patient's dispensing and billing processes within a single screen. You can capture the respective services incurred, drugs, its respective dosage and number of days the drug is required. System will automatically compute for you the total quantity required for dispensing To assist your pharmacist in which batch of drugs to dispense, system intelligently suggests the earliest expiry date to be dispensed first to prevent “about to expire” drugs to be dispensed. Our drug database support ICD-10.

  • Supportive of various pricelist structure

    Pricelist flexibility ensures that you are able to quote clients in various manner. Quantity price-break, pricelist by customer, by product etc are the few types available.

  • Billing Management

    Perform automatic billing generation and payment via electronic submission, with linkage to the credit card machine. Moreover, perform your 'day end reporting' to ensure that collection figures from the respective payment modes tally with that of the system and cash receipts. In addition, you could set a differentiation in pricing for different patients' categories (eg: Private and corporate). Our billing system is also able to handle multiple tender and track all your billings and outstanding receivables.

  • HealthCare Standard Conformance and Seamless Interfacing via Web Services

    In line with Singapore's government regulations, the system also handles the auto computation of insurance components for each medical services that was rendered to the patient. Have a choice of whether the billing amount computed to patient, be deducted from or included in the invoice, with an option for patient refund after the insurance amount has been approved. This is integrated to our claims processing screen for the management of the final claimed amount, and any refund to be made thereafter.

Nursing Management System

The Nursing Management system is a full fledged solution which automates the day-to-day processes in your nursing care facilities: from the patient's application, admission process, tracking daily health status, all the way to the invoicing and payment transactions for month-end billing consolidation. You will be able to have a comprehensive solution that is specifically designed to meet the needs of facilities that provide long-term care to patients.

  • Patient Application

    Capture Patient Bio Data, medical condition and important contact information details. You will also be able to capture the latest MEANS testing and RAF information. With these, you will be able to ascertain the level of suitability of patient as well as the potential means of your organisation in caring for the patient.

  • Patient Administration and Managementt

    The system can be configured for a streamlined administration work. From admission preparation, bed assignment, norm charges details, patient care plan management and billing, all these functions can be easily accessed by your team, real-time, anytime, anywhere.

  • Staff Rostering

    Working on lean resources? Perform effective planning of staff roster and functional duties scheduling so as to optimise your staff and at the same time, achieve optimal staff to resident ratio.

  • Nurse Schedule Enquiry

    To lighten the already taxing demand of your healthcare specialists, The Nursing Management system allows your nurses to perform real-time inquiries on tasks required for the shift, instead of having the need to remember what needs to be done. This will allow your staff greater control of their tasks for the day and what is the respective status for duties to be carried out.

  • Daily Nursing Assessment

    Critical patient details can be captured real-time and electronically. Designed to meet the common requirements of most inpatient care facilities, documentation of the patients' input (eg: food, medication) and output (eg: bowel movements, urine, vomitus), vital signs like blood pressure, heart rate, etc, could be taken down in our system. Moreover, daily utilisation record of services and consumables will assist your administrator in performing the monthly bills required./p>

  • Patient Billing

    With all information recorded in the system, billing could be performed easily, with human errors being reduced. Hence, based on the norm costs, utilization of consumable items and services, recurring charges, monthly billing could be carried out. Moreover, options such as automatic prorate computation and deposit refunds may be carried out. This is integrated to our claims processing screen for the management of the final claimed amount, and any refund to be made thereafter.

  • Global Accounts Payable Management

    Global accounts payable management system allows user to review at the corporate headquarter level, the list of outstanding supplier invoices versus the fully paid invoices, across individual entities. Hence, this helps your finance department better manage the payables and cash flow matters within your organization.

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